Private Standard Apartments


A private standard apartment has a: bedroom, small living area, bathroom, kitchenette, small refrigerator, small oven, AC, Satellite TV, wardrobe, desk and chair. Common laundry machines are available. Students may also use cheap local launderette (dry clean shops) which are located one block away from the apartment. Bed sheets are provided; however, the students are expected to bring their own towels. A private standard apartment is available for exclusive use of one person, or two students coming together. It’s also ideal for a married couple with one or no children.


The apartments are located nearby the language center in a university neighborhood which has been developed over the years to accommodate the student lifestyle. Coffee shops, supermarkets and bookstores are all within a minute’s walk of the center. The area is safe, clean, open, and is just a 15-minute drive away from downtown Amman. For exact geographical location of the university neighborhood, please refer to the following Google map :

Check-in/Check-out times

Accommodation is available from the Saturday before the course starts until the Friday following the end of the course. Extending the period of the homestay is possible through the person in charge at the center.

Refund Policy

Accommodation fees are non-refundable on or after the check-in date. However, accommodation fees can be refunded if cancellation is requested before the check in date after deducting 25% as an admin fee.

Airport Transfer

A transfer service from the airport to the apartment and from the apartment to the airport is available on request. Signing up for the airport transfer service is recommended to allow for a smooth reachability to the accommodation at any time of the day.

Postal address

The of the center is given below:
Ali Baba International Center, Khalifeh Tower (fourth floor),
Opposite to Main Gate of the University of Jordan
PO Box 1928, Al-Jubeiha, Amman 11941, Jordan
Phone: +962 (0) 6 534 1300